Items Missing from Holds Shelf by Owning Library

by-branch, patron-services, polaris-reports

Kalee Burkett

Items Missing from Holds Shelf by Owning Library

CLICK THE BLUE PATH LINK TO RUN THE REPORT: Custom > ~Patron Services > Items Missing from Holds Shelf by Owning Library

This report checks for Lost items on the dedicated “—Missing from Holds Shelf” patron cards for each library. To use the report, select the item owning location(s) and enter the minimum number of days the items have been lost. The default is 0 which will return all lost items. If the items were not Held for a patron, they will not appear on this report even if they are made Lost on the card.

The Item Record ID and the Held for Patron are clickable links which will open up the record in Leap.

Sample report output (patron information is redacted)
