Holds Ratio Report

by-library, collection-dev, polaris-reports, tech-services

Anne Richards

Holds Ratio Report
Custom > ~Tech Services > Holds Ratio Report

Library level report by user input of minimum holds and ratio limit.

Shows number of holds, number of items and hold ratio of library owned items to library registered patrons (Local Patron Holds), type of material, titles, collection.

Collection is chosen by using the most frequently assigned collection code among items assigned to the bib. Local Patron Holds displays the number of holds placed by patrons registered at any of the selected library’s branches and Pickup Holds displays the number of holds placed for pickup at any of the selected library’s branches, regardless of the patron’s registered branch.

Bib records can be excluded based on their existence in a selected record set. Bibs record sets with notes starting with “keep - holds ratio report exclusions” (no quotes) will be available in the dropdown.

Each row can be expanded by clicking the ‘+’ to the left of the bib id to view a breakdown of items by assigned branch.