Patron Cross Borrowing

by-branch, circulation, polaris-reports

Mike Fields

Patron Cross Borrowing

Circulation > Patron Cross Borrowing

Lists number of users checking out material at your designated location during a designated time period. The users and number of checkouts are broken down by the patron’s registered library.

Sample report output (patron information is redacted)

Beth Hatch

Does this report still work? I would like to run the data but it keeps spinning. Thank you!

Wes Osborn

Polaris provides this report, we’ll open a ticket to see if they can figure out what is going on.

In the mean time we have a custom report that provides similar data: Shared Patron Patron Usage Stats

Wes Osborn

You can also try running this report in training, the data will be 24 hours, but the report will likely complete though the initial startup time might take a few minutes.

Beth Hatch

Thank you - I got it to work today!