Sarah Cofer
Here at Worthington, Heather and I are gearing up to do our 2017 collection analysis and I was playing around with this report to see what kind of information it can provide. I noticed that the “local circs” field is YTD? So the previous year circs are pushed to the lifetime totals. Is there a way to get at the local circs/total circs for Previous Year too? If not, it might be helpful for staff to know they need to get this information before the circ stats are reset if they want to look back at the year’s circ data.
Secondly, I might need some help interpreting this data. For example, on my report for record set id 120048 is this item:
If you check this barcode (1328749096) in Polaris, the item was checked out @ CML whetstone on 12/04 and renewed twice since then, the last renewal was 1/15/18. The last time it was checked out at a Worthington location was 9/16. So it appears as if this report is counting the checkout at CML as a local circ for Worthington and it is counting the renewal as a checkout? Am I interpreting this wrong?