Browse vs Holds Circulation

by-branch, by-library, circulation, historical-data, polaris-reports

Mike Fields

Browse vs Holds Circulation

CLICK THE BLUE PATH LINK TO RUN THE REPORT: Custom > ~Statistical Reports > Browse vs Holds Circulation

Displays the number of browse and hold first time checkouts for a specified library’s branches between two dates. Results can be grouped by either CLC collection group or material type using the Group By parameter dropdown.

Sample report output (patron information is redacted)

Sara Coles

I really like this but is there a way to make this location specific? We have three locations, but as it is the reports creates one aggregate report for all of our locations combined. It would be awesome if we could use this at our location.

Mike Fields

That should already be possible with the current report since it aggregates by both branch and library.

So, for example, in the screenshot below the red box is stats only for UA Miller Park and the green box is stats for the entire library system. The small + sign in yellow can be clicked to view the collection group or material type level stats for that branch.

If it would be easier though I could also switch the parameter so that it would allow you to pick a library system or a single branch. You can see an example of that here:

Sara Coles

No, that’s perfect. I wasn’t thinking it through. I am used to choosing our location, so I didn’t realize you could expand. I really like this report, it’s nice to see what is being browsed vs. requested. Thanks for sharing this!

Corina Iannaggi

It the report determining browsing data by what was searched for on the online catalog?

Wes Osborn

@Corina_Iannaggi @mfields can clarify, but I think that “browse” CKOs are: Total CKOs - Hold CKOs = Browse CKOs.

The assumption being that if the person didn’t place the item they CKO’d on hold, then they just found it when they came in the library and were browsing the stacks.

Mike Fields

You’re technically correct, but it sums them all up individually instead of doing any subtracting.

The system records the request id for any checkouts associated with a hold, any checkout that doesn’t have one is counted as a ‘browse’ circ.

Corina Iannaggi

Got it. Makes sense now.

Thank you!