Items Created and Withdrawn by Collection by Date

by-branch, polaris-reports, statistics

Mike Fields

Items Created by Collection by Date

CLICK THE BLUE PATH LINK TO RUN THE REPORT: Custom > ~Tech Services > Items Created and Withdrawn by Collection by Date

Was: Items Created by Collection by Date

Displays a list of collections the selected branch has items assigned to with details about how many of those items were created/cataloged, made available, or withdrawn between the specified dates. The report uses the CreationDate and FirstAvailableDate fields on the item record for the ‘Items Added’ and ‘Items Made Available’ calculations, respectively. The number of withdrawn items is the number of items in the ItemRecordHistory table that move from a non-withdrawn status to withdrawn.

This report only returns data for item records still in the system. If an item record has been deleted, it will NOT count toward the Total Items or Items Added counts.

Sample report output (patron information is redacted)